Pinocchio Placement, Weeks 29 & 30 - Vlog Entry

Hello! Yes, I am late… I know, I know! But let’s get into it!

I’ll level with you… this is going to be a very short post. Unfortunately I have injured my hand; This time last week I fell and fractured my hand in two places… technically it is more like my thumb/ wrist (the fractures are on my trapezium bone for any medical nerds out there). This is obviously going to be a little bit of a challenge moving forward! It is a challenge typing this right now in fact. The fun part (in classic Jhess style) is that I ignored the injury for the past week, thinking it was just badly bruised and wasn’t anything serious… so for the past week I continued at work as normal, if a little slow and sore! But here we are. 4-6 weeks in a thumb and wrist splint… and minimal use of my hand (HA! Have these doctors met me!?). It is going to be a challenge, but I am genuinely going to try my best to behave myself… because the less I use it, the quicker it will heal! But I am remaining optimistic… I am adaptable, I am resourceful, I am woman HEAR ME ROAR!

My housemates just suggested maybe I should type with my toes! Or perhaps use dictation! The latter may be more sensible. Or (and this one might be the winner for the next few weeks) switch to a VLOG format! Hmmmmmm… She does love to talk… Bugger it…

Well that was tough!! But I thought, bugger it… should be sensible and rest my hand!

As a final note… those earrings I am wearing, were made by Winona! Some of you may have seen my recent instagram post about Winona’s earrings. They are super cute… I plan on buying several more pairs in future! You can follow Winona on instagram @wnhsr

Maybe next week I will try to do my vlog from my desk in the studio!